In this module, we will explain why patience is listed as among the most important competencies for people working as animators in the local community.
After going through this module, you will be able to have a better understanding of patience through:
- The definitions of patience, symptoms of patience and benefits of a patient person
- Three types of patience, including impersonal patience, life hardship patience and daily hassles patience
- The importance of patience for people working as animators in the local community, from both a professional and interpersonal perspective. A real case study will also be described for your further understanding and inspiration.
- Ways to manage your high level of patience in both present situations or practice toward long-term patience.
Entry test
If you want to test your knowledge and preexisting skills about patience please take a few minutes and answer the folllowing entry test.
Course Materials
Training Course
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, patience is defined as “the ability to wait, or to continue doing something despite difficulties, or to suffer without complaining or becoming annoyed”. From the academic viewpoint, Kupfer characterizes patience as the “disposition to [calmly] accept delays in the gratification of our desires – delays that are warranted by the circumstances or the desire themselves”.
Final test
If you want to test your final knowledge about patience please take a few minutes and answer the following final test.